Trash to Treasure Activity

Lately, I am finding myself watching the trash cans in our house with awe, noticing the pace in which they are getting full. Every time, again and again, I need to tie one garbage bag and put another one instead. Sometimes I wonder to myself “How much garbage we are producing! How is it possible?”. 

After I started paying more attention to the volume of garbage we were producing, I began to pay more attention to the products I buy in the supermarket; I try to choose (if possible) the products I buy in consideration of the garbage their packaging will produce. For example, I now choose toothpaste that isn’t packaged in a carton but simply comes as the tube itself. If there are vegetables that come in carton packaging instead of plastic, I prefer them, and the same goes with eggs, too; I prefer to buy them packaged in a carton package and not in a plastic packaging. 

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend about the importance of educating our children on how to keep our planet and the environment in a more clean and balanced situation. We then discussed our responsibility toward the next generations more generally, and the importance of thinking about how we leave this planet for them. In our conversation we talked about recycling, and it gave me an idea; I would do this activity with my children:

We would pay attention to the packages of products we bought, and instead of putting them in the garbage, we would use them to create something new. This way, we can lengthen the time we use a certain material and use it twice, and not just as packaging for carrying products from the factory or warehouse to our house.

We would use this as an opportunity to enjoy creating something new with our hands, increase the awareness of our children to the environment, and spend quality time doing art with the  family. 

Skills developed in this activity:

  • Creativity

  • Caring

  • Compassion

  • Imagination

  • Confidence

  • Environmental awareness

We’d love to see your creations and ideas! You can share them with us on Facebook here!

Click here to download a PDF of the free activity!

Tal Rotchild, Director

I am an entrepreneur and mother of two active children. I believe in integrating and involving children in daily life activities as much as possible, as this gives the children a full education and teaches them teamwork, cooperation, and leadership. I am passionate about strengthening the family unit and the relationship between husband and wife, between parents and children, and between siblings.


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